Edu Post
Mobile photography is in demand

Mobile photography is in demand

People with DSLRs dangling from their shoulders will probably stop doing whatever they are doing and sneer, ‘What? Mobile photography in demand? No way!’ Well, let me just say that a good picture doesn’t always have to come tagged with high mega-pixels and full-frames. Good pictures do not always need digital single lens reflexes or...
The right job isn’t difficult to find

The right job isn’t difficult to find

The right job isn’t difficult to find Review of ‘An Expert’s Guide to Top 101 Entry-level Jobs for MBSs and Graduates’ by T Muralidharan Keep in mind that many companies use a background check site t verify the criminal record of the candidates. I had read once that books are the best mentors but these...
Good things must happen without a break

Good things must happen without a break

Since school I have been told umpteen times that time is gold or platinum or titanium or… well, something precious and never to be wasted. But the past few years have seen me literally wasting precious minutes finding the right app on my smartphone. ‘Hey! Aren’t smartphones supposed to be smart and faster?’ Yes, they...
A powerful storage device in your pocket means you’re future-ready

A powerful storage device in your pocket means you’re future-ready

Less than twenty years back when I bought my first desktop, a Compaq Pressario, a teenager from the neighbourhood walked in and said, ‘That’s a terrible waste of money, uncle. What will you do with such a huge hard drive. No one will ever need 3.2 GB.’ I wish this fellow is reading this post...
The lens is forever between you and your camera

The lens is forever between you and your camera

With a camera in your hands you have the power to take ‘an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still’ and then whisper a thank you to Dorothea Lange for these wise words. But before you begin assuming that great photography is just about zooming in on whatever it is that you...
Innovations translated

Innovations translated

Innovations translated Review of Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge   Innovations are the conversations that the consumer has with brands… but unlike verbose conversations where a lot is lost in translation, good brands make sure that desirability and feasibility walk hand-in-hand for a long distance. Yes, distance is of value. Take a smartphone, for...
All talk and yet nothing to say

All talk and yet nothing to say

Most of the students that I meet today tell me without mincing words that their teachers have a lot to talk about and yet nothing meaningful is ever communicated. Obviously then, words are in a constantly high supply but they are not being used effectively. This lack of meaningful communication in our classrooms has led...
An emotional acre on the road

An emotional acre on the road

  An emotional acre on the road – Zica review A car isn’t just a car but attempts to be an emotional bond. A relationship. It tries to be a drivable emotional acre on the road. Every time. Each of them. Some succeed and some do not. This is so much like any of our...
Jordan: Compressing an adventure

Jordan: Compressing an adventure

‘Hustle-bustle’ has a hyphen… my wild guess is that this hyphen is like a hammock for peace to be there and chill! Almost like Jordan. Jordan is surrounded by countries with unrest that is almost genetic and right in the middle of the Middle East is this small country where peace reigns. ‘Small country, is...
Ignorance and incompetence lead to corruption

Ignorance and incompetence lead to corruption

  If you think I’ve given you some sort of a derivation for corruption, let me just say that even if the equation is correct, it is just one way the corrupt thrive. A heady cocktail of corruption, incompetence, and ignorance is what exists all around. I do not mean just Delhi where I stay…...
Pull away from ignorance and know the constitution

Pull away from ignorance and know the constitution

Pull away from ignorance and know the constitution. Review of ‘The Constitution and the Parliament of India’ written by Derek O’Brien   With so much happening all around, it is necessary to understand it all through competence and knowledge… and not through a kaleidoscope of ignorance. I remember talking to a few bloggers and was...
Let us extend our stay on earth

Let us extend our stay on earth

  I have no idea if politicians will still want us extend our stay on earth once we are all educated enough to vote sensibly… but what I do know is that our parliamentarians are certainly aware of the sort of pollution that plagues our cities. Take Delhi where according to the World Health Organization...