Edu Post
The SQL of knowledge

The SQL of knowledge

Knowledge is all about how a student interacts with all that is happening around him. What we call ‘youth development’ is probably nothing but an effort to make active participation in social issues around very real. This way this effort is shaping up is something that can also be tested through a tactically designed quiz....


‘There is a spelling error there,’ some will point out hurriedly. So yes, this is a different spelling, buddy… and you’re not accustomed to seeing or using it. But the wonderful thing is that this spelling has a ‘key’ attached to it and you, I know, are someone who is surrounded by locked doors. ‘Locked...
AAP ko GAS toh nahin?

AAP ko GAS toh nahin?

‘The new CM in Delhi is making us all stand up and think upright,’ I said, when our discussion on the social fabric veered to the formation of the new government in Delhi. This always happens when Specky and I discuss things… we start with one topic and end up discussing something quite different. Specky...
Size matters!

Size matters!

In both politics and pornography, size matters. We have just seen a pulsating example of this titillating fact when Delhi was saved from going to the polls again. But if you think size in politics is simply getting the right numbers, you’re really entering the house of real fiction. Yes, numbers and the mathematics of...
Politics, confrontation, and the will to serve the nation

Politics, confrontation, and the will to serve the nation

The three don’t actually go together. Politicians never confront other politicians with full vigour and we all know it is more like a big show of confrontational drama like the one the forces of India and Pakistan enact at Wagah Border. And we also know how heartfelt the will to serve the nation is in...
Nikonology and the God of Indian Photography

Nikonology and the God of Indian Photography

A few days back, I had the opportunity to get really close to the God of Indian photography, RAGHU RAI… talk to him, listen to his ideas on this art form and also attend a Nikonology session conducted by the Nikon Technical Team. It was an experience that was unbeatable. This blogger meet was called...
The great teacher analysed

The great teacher analysed

Technology may not be what you teach your student, but technology is certainly what you use when you teach. The bits and the bytes, the internet, the social media, and all things that travel at speeds that the mind cannot even think of, are as real as the bunch of students that you see in...
The telegram: history or heritage?

The telegram: history or heritage?

We cannot do anything about events that happened hundreds of years back, created history but never got to be in the heritage list. But events that happen in our lifetime and then allowed to sink into the endless and dark cauldron of history without anyone even trying to make them relive as a heritage happens...
I preserve. I nurture. I elevate. Review of ‘My lawfully wedded husband’

I preserve. I nurture. I elevate. Review of ‘My lawfully wedded husband’

I was helplessly spell-bound and I’m sure, like the author, ‘I loved it all. I love travelling, so I was happy just’ reading and ‘drinking it all in.’ The stories in the collection took me into little nooks and corners of strange minds and unknown perceptions and I loved going there. From the unlawfully wedded...
The Punjabization of insight. Review of ‘Luv Shuv Tey Chicken Khurana’

The Punjabization of insight. Review of ‘Luv Shuv Tey Chicken Khurana’

If you don’t know what rustic philosophising really is, see this movie and know it. The movie takes you straight into the heart of metaphysics that ordinary people repeat and believe in… more so in the untutored villages of Punjab where they whole-heartedly mix and grind it all with slap-stick humour to offer you a...
Should life be converted into a ‘pre-defined component-based product’? Review of ‘Smart phones dumb people’

Should life be converted into a ‘pre-defined component-based product’? Review of ‘Smart phones dumb people’

Technology is not here with some secret agenda to transform life into a form of submission… it really isn’t going to be anything like the over-enthusiastic Hollywood script-writers keep throwing at us. The author feels that technology need not really be painted as some sort of a villain anywhere, any time. …it is not impossible...
His life was a series of deceptions. Review of ‘Mothers, lovers and other strangers’

His life was a series of deceptions. Review of ‘Mothers, lovers and other strangers’

There are many ways this review can be twisted and turned. I can easily say that despite the title of the book, it is an engrossing murder mystery where Inspector Waghle travels far north for the sake of unravelling the truth that was simply trying its best to get erased. But no, the book isn’t...