On curves and their performance

On curves and their performance

It is the swerves of curves that have been winning all the glances and eye-balls throughout history. I even suspect that it was never the face, but the curves… ‘that launch’d a thousand ships, And burnt the topless towers of Ilium…’ …and so why must technology remain behind? Even Sonam Kapoor, the actress, says: ‘We...
Don’t be a mug

Don’t be a mug

The mug on my table has enough lessons for our political bigwigs, shabby wigs, no wig, starry wigs, goon wigs, scam wigs, and chic wigs. It has a beautiful curvy nose covering a major part of its face and it is as proud of its nose as we humans are of ours. You know the...
A dramatic revelation by Nargis Fakhri

A dramatic revelation by Nargis Fakhri

You’ve missed it all. You’ve missed the drama. You’ve missed all that the gorgeous Nargis Fakhri revealed on the 16th of April 2014. You’ve missed the fascinated look in her eyes. You’ve missed her swirls and the twirls onstage. You’ve missed the husky tone in which she said: ‘I love ChatON.’ A part of me...
Yes, we all love to be incredible

Yes, we all love to be incredible

She wailed, ‘Technology is getting more and more insane. I feel I am being left behind.’ She repeated this sentence again and again but not one busy lunch-time office goer even paused to ask, ‘Is anything the matter? How can I help you?’ But just when this insanity of human apathy was climbing yet another...
Think of rising higher. Review of My Journey written by A P J Abdul Kalam

Think of rising higher. Review of My Journey written by A P J Abdul Kalam

Ulluvathellam uyarvullal matratu Tallinum tellamai nirttut Abdul Kalam quotes this kural from Tamil literature in his book and goes on to give us its translation in English: ‘Think of rising higher. Let it be your only thought. Even if your object be not attained, the thought itself will have raised you.’ The book is a...
To write, or not to right

To write, or not to right

‘Does a name on a form over-shadow an appearance in the heart?’ he asked and then went on, ‘Both are shadows but one pulsates forever and the other smudges and fades away in a few years.’ The feminists argued that the name on a piece of paper pulsates with life and demands more than just...
The surge of power. Review of ‘Prisoner Jailor Prime Minister’

The surge of power. Review of ‘Prisoner Jailor Prime Minister’

The book has surges, urges, and purges splurging through the pages… and if you just sauté these elements with a pinch of the political history of India, a few drops of fantasy, and a liberal garnish of radical thoughts, you’ve actually almost written the recipe of the book. This book by Tabrik C can be...
Floccinauci nihilipilification. Review of ‘English Bites’

Floccinauci nihilipilification. Review of ‘English Bites’

No, floccinaucinihilipilification isn’t the longest word in the dictionary… there are words with up to 35 letters that win the contest, though the medical fraternity, Manish Gupta will have us believe, insists on a word from their jargon as the one that wins the race hands down. But the point that I want to make...
This is how we speak. Review of ‘Terms and conditions apply’

This is how we speak. Review of ‘Terms and conditions apply’

I am just wondering what the purists will have to say about this book where the title is in English, the author’s name is written in Hindi… and the 14 short stories inside use English phrases and words almost where any of the urban and rural reader would while communicating in his daily life. This...
Between credibility and chaos

Between credibility and chaos

All around today I see moments floating between credibility and chaos… and somewhere between credibility and chaos are the dangerous mutant strands of corruption. So whichever way one moves, the possibility of getting afflicted with corruption is rather high. From politicians to the bureaucrats, from the common man to connected man, and from one end...
Free Facebook is real

Free Facebook is real

Social media is no longer a term that only the privileged boys and girls utter with a lusty smile. It is fast reaching out across all socio-economic barriers to bridge the rural-urban chasms that pretended to be invincible. We are in times when even your friendly auto-driver would have his loyal customers in a special...
The poetry of logical ideas

The poetry of logical ideas

Life is not an artistic mystery, but a mathematical equation. Specky, my wife says so. She even quotes Albert Einstein: “If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut.” And whenever she does that, I just...