Bad Novels, Good Selling

Bad Novels, Good Selling

You’ve obviously heard of engineers opting to spend a couple of years in some IIM or a lesser institute and come out brandishing his MBA degree or diploma to finally settle down to selling soaps or thrusting limp shares down the throats of gullible investors or happily being an armchair advisor or as the industry...
Branding in Education - Role of social media and technology

Branding in Education – Role of social media and technology

Branding in Education – Role of social media and technology Why are private universities and institutes so popular? Why is it that even my maid’s daughter had LPU, Sharada, and Amity in her mind? Why is it that some colleges that are dedicated to produce involved professionals remain hidden from the masses? Why is it...
Dawood is dead. Really?

Dawood is dead. Really?

Dawood is dead. Really? Review of ‘Dawood is dead’ by Avik Davar Do a Google search for Dawood and you’ll be confronted with more than three hundred thousand pages with assorted facts in .41 seconds! Even Quora and Scoopwoop have been talking about him… so it isn’t as if Dawood is a person who is...
‘Make in India’ vs globalisation in education

‘Make in India’ vs globalisation in education

Is globalisation limited to Apple making sure that they get the most promising sales figures from India? Must we remain content with using soaps, detergents, technology, fashion accessories, and even homes that are conceived and made in other countries? Isn’t it time for us make sure that Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton get up and...
Yes, I can

Yes, I can

Even a burglar says this. So do politicians. Scamsters. Smugglers. Thieves. Rapists. And yet these three words are linked not with them but with an indomitable will. They represent the power of positive assertiveness. ‘Yes, I can’ is not a mantra to be chanted and yet they need a person’s mind to believe in the...
Thrillers are so much like Technology

Thrillers are so much like Technology

Imagine a massive box that is just delivered to your home. The entire family is gathered around the box and the expectations are experiencing a new high. The adrenalin rush is getting unmanageable and different pairs of eyes expect something entirely different from what the other pairs of eyes expect. This opening of the box...
Mobile photography is in demand

Mobile photography is in demand

People with DSLRs dangling from their shoulders will probably stop doing whatever they are doing and sneer, ‘What? Mobile photography in demand? No way!’ Well, let me just say that a good picture doesn’t always have to come tagged with high mega-pixels and full-frames. Good pictures do not always need digital single lens reflexes or...
The right job isn’t difficult to find

The right job isn’t difficult to find

The right job isn’t difficult to find Review of ‘An Expert’s Guide to Top 101 Entry-level Jobs for MBSs and Graduates’ by T Muralidharan Keep in mind that many companies use a background check site t verify the criminal record of the candidates. I had read once that books are the best mentors but these...
The art of good business

The art of good business

The art of good business ‘I want to buy a new smartphone,’ said a friend, ‘but I’m not sure which one to go for.’ ‘Buy one that fits your needs,’ I replied. Hearing my answer this friend unfolded a piece of paper and read out some startling statistics. He said that his bank had begun...
The world doesn’t need a woman anymore

The world doesn’t need a woman anymore

Our world is becoming inclusive and gender sensitivity is at a new high. Isn’t it time then for words to step forward and embrace this kind of change that is sweeping us all or for us all to get together and give a few of these wicked words a new world? A recent article that...
Good things must happen without a break

Good things must happen without a break

Since school I have been told umpteen times that time is gold or platinum or titanium or… well, something precious and never to be wasted. But the past few years have seen me literally wasting precious minutes finding the right app on my smartphone. ‘Hey! Aren’t smartphones supposed to be smart and faster?’ Yes, they...
A powerful storage device in your pocket means you’re future-ready

A powerful storage device in your pocket means you’re future-ready

Less than twenty years back when I bought my first desktop, a Compaq Pressario, a teenager from the neighbourhood walked in and said, ‘That’s a terrible waste of money, uncle. What will you do with such a huge hard drive. No one will ever need 3.2 GB.’ I wish this fellow is reading this post...