Jordan: Compressing an adventure

Jordan: Compressing an adventure

‘Hustle-bustle’ has a hyphen… my wild guess is that this hyphen is like a hammock for peace to be there and chill! Almost like Jordan. Jordan is surrounded by countries with unrest that is almost genetic and right in the middle of the Middle East is this small country where peace reigns. ‘Small country, is...
Everyone’s Worried about Subsidy

Everyone’s Worried about Subsidy

  Oh yes, we’re all worried about our LPG subsidy. Will the government’s ad blitz finally convince us all to give it up or will our will to hold on to small benefits be the ultimate victor? When I asked Specky, my wife, she smiled and replied, ‘The important question is if giving up our...
Conversion is a good word in the blogging world

Conversion is a good word in the blogging world

The most common conversion that I see happening in the online world is people with no love for words or expression turning into bloggers. No, they neither sit under the Bodhi Tree meditating to stumble upon the true nature of blogging, nor do they go for the proverbial arduous treks over virgin hazardous terrain to...
Ignorance and incompetence lead to corruption

Ignorance and incompetence lead to corruption

  If you think I’ve given you some sort of a derivation for corruption, let me just say that even if the equation is correct, it is just one way the corrupt thrive. A heady cocktail of corruption, incompetence, and ignorance is what exists all around. I do not mean just Delhi where I stay…...
Pull away from ignorance and know the constitution

Pull away from ignorance and know the constitution

Pull away from ignorance and know the constitution. Review of ‘The Constitution and the Parliament of India’ written by Derek O’Brien   With so much happening all around, it is necessary to understand it all through competence and knowledge… and not through a kaleidoscope of ignorance. I remember talking to a few bloggers and was...
Let us extend our stay on earth

Let us extend our stay on earth

  I have no idea if politicians will still want us extend our stay on earth once we are all educated enough to vote sensibly… but what I do know is that our parliamentarians are certainly aware of the sort of pollution that plagues our cities. Take Delhi where according to the World Health Organization...
Way beyond Ultra HD

Way beyond Ultra HD

If the PM Mr Modi can talk of a 56 inch chest, Arvind Kejriwal can be linked to a 49 day government, and Rahul Gandhi can afford to disappear for 57 days… why can’t I miss a 50 inch device that I fell in love with? Particularly if the device that I am talking about...
Sleeping dogs vs barking dogs

Sleeping dogs vs barking dogs

‘Dogs are in the new,’ said a friend. I said, ‘Well, dogs were always in the news.’ I remember reading a quote about a man biting a dog being news and not the other way round. Dogs are in maxims, metaphors, similies, and even find a place in abuses. So they are practically everywhere. On...
Breaking up cosy cartels

Breaking up cosy cartels

Discussing politics fills us with enthusiasm… and so this is all that we can hear in buses, on kerbsides, in shops and offices, in homes, on the television, on radio, in colleges, and I sometimes suspect, even in the mushy conversations of lovers in some park. But there is another truth that must accompany this...
The Presstitutes and the Poltitutes

The Presstitutes and the Poltitutes

A few of them seek to regale you for a fee and give you what you desire to see, hear or read. Others just want to accompany you on sensual trips of exploration all over the world. They have the power to reduce every upheaval of excited turmoil into exclamations, sighs, and groans. ‘Read between...
The ruling party and the opposition on Galaxy S6

The ruling party and the opposition on Galaxy S6

Our parliament is always a hub of super activity and its corridors are places where power dialogues flow unimpeded and with a nonchalance that you find only in a Nargis Fakhri gliding on the aisle in a Suneet Verma creation! Yes, there is something stunningly accentuated when two politicians talk… especially if they happen to...
The activist in BJP: Sudhanshu Mittal

The activist in BJP: Sudhanshu Mittal

I’m sure not many know that Sudhanshu Mittal (SM throughout the interview here), the absolutely charming spokesperson for BJP is also a hearty foodie, loves to play badminton, and was the one to provide logistics for the Oscar winning movie ‘Gandhi’. He makes accurate psephology predictions and uses Google mapping to map out the constituencies...