Not even God can prevent rape

Not even God can prevent rape

Now, now, please do not hang me for the title of this post. These are the words of Aziz Qureshi, a former Governor from Mizoram, quoted form news-reports from July 2014. And if you think he is the only Indian to have a contorted interpretation of the word, you are mistaken. Sheila Dikshit, a former...
Shouting to convince is outdated

Shouting to convince is outdated

Shouting to convince is outdated Times Now vs Republic Opinionated news far out-weighs pure, unalloyed presentation of news today. This is as dangerous a trend as is raising vacuous decibels inside TV studios, bulldozing through the legal system to hijack the tenets of intellectual property, making viewers hear and see just one side of the...
Think carefully before you buy that smartphone

Think carefully before you buy that smartphone

There is a price war out there in the technology market. Brands like VIVO, OPPO, HUAWEI, and XIAOMI are claiming to give all that a user thinks he wants at a price that appears unthinkably low. Do not be sold out to promotional hype. It is time for users of smartphones to be doubly careful...
What if... everyone wrote but no one read anything

What if… everyone wrote but no one read anything

What if I were a drop of water on a planet where there was just water and nothing else. No birds flying in the air, no fish testing the under-current, no micro-organisms waiting for their turn to die and get reborn as a human. Just water everywhere and I, a little drop bobbing up and...
Smartphones are smart but buyers aren’t. [anti-review]

Smartphones are smart but buyers aren’t. [anti-review]

Let me begin with a story. A buyer went to a store and there were two doors inside. One said ‘phone’ and the other said ‘more than a phone’. He chose the second door and once inside, saw another two doors. One said ‘With camera’ and the other said ‘more than just a camera’. He...
That narrow valley between hills

That narrow valley between hills

Gorge. Yes, that’s what a narrow valley between hills is and it generally has a stream running through it. I’m sure the naughty mind will agree that this does evoke an image of a naked woman drooling. And yet, read what foodies of today write and they don’t seem to pause but gorge on and...