It’s always about imagination

It’s always about imagination

Imagination rules… Imagination scores… and imagination wins every time, without exception. You see, creation is a result of imagination… and so whenever I see a new gadget, device or even a car all I try to see is how well imagination has been used. Is it unusual? Are there elements of the unexpected? Let me...
You can drive

You can drive

You can expect the unexpected when bloggers get together to do anything… and believe me, this isn’t at all unpredictable. There will be lobbies made without anyone even trying, there will be jibes and snide remarks to hear if you have come with your ears cleaned up, and there will invariably be the whispered bouts...
There’s a car inside each of us

There’s a car inside each of us

We may all appear like islands in the sea or isolated floating icebergs, separate on the surface… but we all have connections that run deep. The psychologists call it personalities. And I believe that we all have a car personality in us. Yes, yes, I know not all of us have cars… and some of...
In love with my hatchback

In love with my hatchback

‘What’s good in a Wagon R?’ asked a friend once. I said, ‘Space.’ Space… is what I like best in this car. When you’re inside, you’re certainly never claustrophobic. The car is literally maintenance-free and isn’t demanding at all. It can rush through a crowd, it can zip up the mountains, it can take on...
Volvo XC60: Evolution redefined!

Volvo XC60: Evolution redefined!

Where and how we met is what is vital… we met in Bhopal during the NDTV-Volvo XC60 Adventure Challenge 2014 and that is where I fell in love with a 40 L car! So the first good thing about the XC60 is that it makes you fall in love with it. The rest of the...
PicTale 011 – Dissection of a racing car

PicTale 011 – Dissection of a racing car

  I flew down to Coimbatore in December 2012 to drive with Narain. Yes, Narain Karthikeyan, the legendary Formula 1 driver from India. I was right next to him as he drove his twin seater at a mind-blowing… oops, body-blowing 260 kmph for full five rounds of the racing circuit there on the outskirts of...
In Coimbatore with Narain Karthikeyan. A great drive – entry for Michelin Pilot Experience by Arvind Passey

In Coimbatore with Narain Karthikeyan. A great drive – entry for Michelin Pilot Experience by Arvind Passey

A Great Drive – entry for Michelin Pilot Experience by Arvind Passey   We were waiting for Narain to come. Narain Karthikeyan, the legendary Formula 1 driver from India. I had flown in from a cold Delhi to a warm Coimbatore in December and loved the tepid sun though I felt better in the shade...
Searching for roads in the sand dunes

Searching for roads in the sand dunes

Searching for roads in the sand dunes A great drive – entry for Michelin Pilot Experience by Arvind Passey ‘The great escape,’ I heard someone say, ‘is like searching for roads in the sand dunes.’ I thought for a while, turned to him, and asked, ‘Roads in the dunes?’ he was one of the rally...
Twitter, Poetry, and Audi

Twitter, Poetry, and Audi

Poetry on twitter? Is poetry really possible in just 140 characters? Can you possibly write reasonably logical couplets if you need to make space for some hash-tag and probably for a longish twitter handle as well? A few days back I got this opportunity. Atwitter contest was organised by Audi (Twitter handle: @AudiIN ) and...
What the camera saw in the Vista D90

What the camera saw in the Vista D90

I wish i had the Nikon D90 to photograph the Vista D90… there might have been some sort of D90 crony-ism observable there. However, the photographs taken of this comfortable new introduction were clicked with there cameras: 1. Nikon D5100 2. Samsung Galaxy camera 3. Samsung Galaxy Note II So here is my photo-post on this...
Thrill Redefined

Thrill Redefined

When I am driving I tend not to look at the drivers but at the way they are driving… and most often keep concluding about the nature of drivers by looking at and analysing the way they are driving. My driving mutterings always leave my wife in a good mood, for I tend to go...