Condensed milk, rooh-afza, and water from a mountain stream

Condensed milk, rooh-afza, and water from a mountain stream

It was at an art exhibition that I realized what hunger could mean. The walls were a pale ivory, the lights were sufficient and diffused, and the art panels were all in innumerable hues of black and grey. There was no one around when I entered and coming in after driving through the colour dense...
Comedy, creativity, and green tea

Comedy, creativity, and green tea

Comedy, creativity, and green tea. Read this post to know the secrets of a super boost in creativity. #SuperBloggerChallenge #Instacuppa
Not just old, but rare

Not just old, but rare

I had spent a few days of my summer of 2017 driving around Scotland… well, you know, clicking pictures of the flowing terrain of the Highlands and the Lowlands and inhaling all the fresh air that transforms the heart into one that hums romance all the time… and, of course, talking to people who love...
The seven essentials when it is cold

The seven essentials when it is cold

The seven essentials when it is cold If you trek on mountains cold Remember to carry in your pack Seven things, some you may fold And joy shall never turn its back! One rhyme is all that I need to remind me of the seven things that I always carry with me when travelling or...
Fusion is the new allure

Fusion is the new allure

Fusion is the new allure If you’ve never heard of spaghetti shots, gulkand cupcakes, chocolate rasmalai, tomato-jasmine tea soup, paneer lasagna, jalapeno-stuffed kachoris, apple jalebi, omelette with papad and cashews, tea-poached chicken, and ande ka halwa, you’ve probably never come face to face with fusion foods. From sushi burgers to caramalised kimchi fries, this new...
The colonizers never left

The colonizers never left

The eco-system, nature, environment, and in some way, even life is no longer safe from sharp-thinking and seemingly logical and worldly-wise colonizers today. And if you think that the last ones to colonize us were the British, think again. Look around and you will be able to see the way every facet of nature is...
Farzylicious tickles

Farzylicious tickles

Nobody has said this so far so let me be the first to announce that life is so much better with tickles and giggles zigzagging their way through your mouth and into your gastro-intestinal tract to redefine happiness in an utterly original way… and the charm gets multiplied when you realise that spear-heading this joyous...
A legend charges into the mind…

A legend charges into the mind…

One fact that I have always believed in is that legends never die. This could be because they are invariably a step ahead of even truth… and truth, as we have seen often, kowtows and merges into a stronger truth. A legend, a friend said once, is like a sip of 100 Pipers rushing through...
Lost recipes of the royals and a gastronomic leap towards immortality

Lost recipes of the royals and a gastronomic leap towards immortality

There is more than just a fine line between tasty dishes and tasty dishes from the kitchens of the Royals of India. The royal chefs did not just cook but cooked with a lot of energetic ideation thrown in. This is exactly what Chef Arun Sundararaj and the culinary experts of Varq, a part of...
Men in the kitchen are like consultants for organisations

Men in the kitchen are like consultants for organisations

‘Men don’t cook’ is a fallacy. ‘Men can’t cook’ is a puerile whine. ‘Men must not cook’ is unintelligent. ‘Men can cook’ is similar to what harmony, rhythm and beat are for music. This chorus of not wanting men around in the kitchen because they cannot cook is as funny as the Congress shouting itself...
That narrow valley between hills

That narrow valley between hills

Gorge. Yes, that’s what a narrow valley between hills is and it generally has a stream running through it. I’m sure the naughty mind will agree that this does evoke an image of a naked woman drooling. And yet, read what foodies of today write and they don’t seem to pause but gorge on and...
Half Ticket

Half Ticket

I am not talking about my days when my parents bought a ‘half ticket’ for me during rail or bus journeys… but of times when we called one friend of ours ‘half ticket’ because he could never understand that the girls in our class would never want to be in our gulli-danda team. Well, not...