

‘Come on, help me solve this complex Sudoku grid,’ said my eighty-year old neighbour and I stepped out of the lift after my noon-walk and walked towards my apartment. I am a writer and am generally at home and this is what puzzles all the young and old in my block who don’t seem to...
I never starve myself

I never starve myself

Starve? There’s no need to starve. Food, especially good snacks that are willing to come together with fruits and veggies are always the right choice for the taste buds. Buah Kurma is a place where you can buy all varieties of dates fruit at wholesale prices in Malaysia. Believe me, taste buds will just do...
Crunchy Queen Paneer Pasta is so Bollywoodian

Crunchy Queen Paneer Pasta is so Bollywoodian

Food isn’t just about necessity… it does everyone a lot of good to weave in pleasure and then some extra smiles will be on their way to you. Add a pinch of Bollywood to it and smiles may get garnished by applause as well. Now I’m sure you’ve watched that Bollywood blockbuster ‘Queen’ where in...
Do I always need less on my plate?

Do I always need less on my plate?

To eat less is not necessarily the right way to all the benefits that can be linked to a balanced and healthy diet. I mean, there are the diet experts who talk about controlling your weight, improving the psychological state of your mind, having adequate energy to see you through the day, having the power...
Alphonso on a mountain trail

Alphonso on a mountain trail

I was standing on a mountain trail that was around 7300 feet above sea level and was surrounded by deodar, oak, pine, rhododendron and lots of spiny bushes. The trail had become faint and Specky, my wife, had a doubtful expression on her face. ‘Are you sure this trail is going to lead somewhere?’ she...
The writer as a master blender

The writer as a master blender

Imagine a reticent young man walking into a new monthly magazine office to submit his second or the third article… and from the rows of cubicles where serious sub-editors sat, one gets up suddenly, stops him and says, ‘Your article left an impression. Wonder if you can share the secret of staying true and creating...
Eat your problems with breakfast

Eat your problems with breakfast

The first thing I asked the cab driver as we were going from Changi Airport to our hotel on Bencoolen street, the business district of Singapore, was, ‘What is the best Singaporean food according to you?’ He said, ‘We eat our problems with breakfast.’ And then maintained a silence but then after a while he...
Contemporary and crunchy

Contemporary and crunchy

Come on, I’m not talking of political and non-political debates that take place in the parliament… though they do qualify as being both contemporary as well as crunchy. But listen, they are not delicious, are they? At least I don’t find the vocalised thoughts of Sharad Yadav delicious… however crunchy and contemporary they may seem...
Creative recipes

Creative recipes

Looking at cooking recipes and watching a chef at work fills me up with a lot of creative energy. This is precisely what happened when I met Tushar, the Head Chef at Welcome Sheraton in Saket. ‘They look so charming in their all-white uniform,’ whispered a friend. I said, ‘I think it is because...
The PUFA-MUFA of life

The PUFA-MUFA of life

There is hustle-bustle everywhere… moments can go higgledy-piggledy, topsy-turvy, and hugger-mugger… or one can come across charming itst-bitsy, happy-dappy info nuggets… personalities you meet can be hoity-toity or even hurly-burly. Now all this is interesting to know, but equally vital is to know the pufa-mufa of life. Come on, you still don’t know what pufa-mufa...
Go green

Go green

Come on now, I don’t want you to remain gullible or naïve… nor do I wish wounds to remain fresh… but then if these are the only greens you’ve heard of, read on and know that there is a green quite different from greener pastures, a great unfading memory, and gemstones. I actually wanted to...
Monmouth coffee and Saturday mornings!

Monmouth coffee and Saturday mornings!