In the game and here to stay

In the game and here to stay

There are games that people play. Why must dreams, creative impulses, instincts, ambitions, desires, wants, and even technology remain far behind? We know the way technology has played games with us all by making surprise entries with innovations that have surprised and sometimes bewildered us. No, there was no ‘shattering disorientation brought about’ as the...
A box full of darkness

A box full of darkness

A friend asked me a couple of days before Diwali, ‘Any suggestions for a gift?’ ‘A box full of darkness,’ I said, with a smile of course. His expression fleetingly betrayed panic and he said in a low voice, ‘It is for my wife. A box full of darkness? Sounds strange. But am I missing...


Thirty in Roman Numerals is XXX and we know the three together are often used for love and kisses besides to their snide relationship with porn. So when I read somewhere that most of us use barely thirty percent of the capabilities of a smartphone or any other gadget, I wasn’t surprised. ‘After all,’ I...
Everyone hates tangles of wires and jangles of noise

Everyone hates tangles of wires and jangles of noise

A tangle of hanging wires, miniature sockets A gadget in hand, two in the pockets And another sheathing the ears But eyes that seem between somewhere And here fighting worldly fears So I ask: “You seem immersed and care For your music but are neither here nor there Would you, your concern, share?”  He smiled...
The great Indian festival

The great Indian festival

I was once asked to describe a festival. I thought for a while, and then replied, ‘Shopping!’ ‘What? Shopping?’ said this friend and raised a questioning brow. ‘Festivals are all about joy,’ I said, ‘they are as much about sharing as they are about buying. There is a lot of happiness being given and accepted....
Trekking with a mirrorless camera

Trekking with a mirrorless camera

Here is a true story of a trek that I will be doing in December 2018. What? December is still three months away. Is this some kind of a joke? No. I know this is what is going to happen. So have patience and just read on. It is obviously cold and the light is...
The mirrorless magicians from Nikon

The mirrorless magicians from Nikon

Words are known to tell stories but so do pictures. Ansel Adams famously quipped that ‘when words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs.’ I still remember the lovable jab of joy when I first held in my hands an analog SLR in my retro years… and little did I know that in less than...
Intimacy, hormones, and fiction genres

Intimacy, hormones, and fiction genres

Intimacy, hormones, and fiction genres What happens when, for instance, a trekker meets another trekker or a poet meets another poet or an artist comes across another artist or a movie-enthusiast meets another movie-fan or a tech-fanatic meets another gadget-lover or a traveler meets another travel-enthusiast or a married person meets another married person? They...
The Humans Defynd Interview

The Humans Defynd Interview

The Humans Defynd Interview #HumansDefynd #Interview Editorial comment: Arvind Passey is 25 years old. Well at least his life and style will make you think so. He’s got more energy than the average reader reading this, and he does more exciting stuff than the most exciting guy on your timeline. Time to meet him. 🙂...
The joys of looking up

The joys of looking up

What no one realizes is that every point has the potential to be a low point and every spot can be a summit. There are plenty of summits lying under the ocean and we call them tipping points of depressions because the ocean floor is far deeper. A wave, for instance wouldn’t remain a wave...
Clean home – fiction or non-fiction?

Clean home – fiction or non-fiction?

For quite a while now I have been wondering if a clean home was like a novel by writers like Ernest Hemingway, P G Wodehouse, Tim O’Brien, or even our own home-grown band of authors like Vasundhra Lal, Ruskin Bond, Kavita Kane, and Kamala Das where words are always ready to jump into clean insights,...
Understanding how to restart your life

Understanding how to restart your life

What happened that morning is still fresh in my mind. I had got up with a lot of ideas that disguise themselves as dreams. Some of these ideas had also arranged themselves into sentences and I was eager to write all of them on my laptop before other activities decided to bully them into jumping...