Dubai – thirst for more!

Dubai – thirst for more!

There are more people who claim to know Dubai from their impressions in the transit lounge of the airport than those who finally exit it to enter this city of souks, burjs, and a lot of happening stuff found along the creek and in the surrounding sand. Generally a lot of people visit Dubai and...
Between the future and the past

Between the future and the past

Yes, we’re somewhere between the future and the past. We are no longer madly in love with democracy and yet we do not know what else to adopt or where to go. Democracy has been here for years and trumpeted its case against other known forms of governing rather well… and this is why these...
The Frog

The Frog

The frog, they say, Leaps all the way And all the time. What if he’s sleepy today?
I am who I am, and who I wanna be

I am who I am, and who I wanna be

This mantra is all over the social media today. The young as well as the young at heart swear by it… and believe me, it isn’t just the virtual space that is impregnated and incepted with these words, one sees them reflected in real life as well. Cool and smart is all over. Not just...
Visa for an 85 year old man

Visa for an 85 year old man

It is fascinating to see an 85 year old man getting ready to apply for a visa and be with his grandson. I guess a lot of people will read proactive enthusiasm, yearning to plan, energy to explore, a dive into the spirit of a positively interactive life and many other traits that management pundits...
Ours isn’t a colourless world

Ours isn’t a colourless world

I have no idea about what it is like on the other planets in the far away galaxies but ours has lots of colour in it. Even the colour blind here can sense colours in a way that is quite different from the way others do it… so though jaded or faded, colours are definitely...
It’s always about imagination

It’s always about imagination

Imagination rules… Imagination scores… and imagination wins every time, without exception. You see, creation is a result of imagination… and so whenever I see a new gadget, device or even a car all I try to see is how well imagination has been used. Is it unusual? Are there elements of the unexpected? Let me...
The Presstitutes and the Poltitutes

The Presstitutes and the Poltitutes

A few of them seek to regale you for a fee and give you what you desire to see, hear or read. Others just want to accompany you on sensual trips of exploration all over the world. They have the power to reduce every upheaval of excited turmoil into exclamations, sighs, and groans. ‘Read between...
The collector of celebrations

The collector of celebrations

There is a collector of celebrations in each of us. Look at me… the moment I get an idea to write on, it is time to celebrate with a smile and get down to dress it in words and sentences and save it. Photography is a celebratory moment for some as is downloading movies or...
‘History being made’ with Katrina

‘History being made’ with Katrina

True. There is history being created all around and only a few are lucky enough to be a part of it. Take today. Take me, for instance. I am pretty sure I have a coffee date with Katrina… The Katrina, if I may add. ‘Katrina?’ murmured a friend, ‘but the grapevine talks about #KatrinaMissing and...
The mysterious art of wasting time

The mysterious art of wasting time

Charles Schultz called happiness a warm puppy and many would say people waste their time on pets. I keep staring at my laptop screen for long durations and I’m sure Specky, my wife thinks I could do more if I just start typing out whatever I type out most of the time. But I love...
What do I really want from a smartphone?

What do I really want from a smartphone?

I remember showing a visual of the new Moto E to a seven year old a week back and asking, ‘What will be the first thing you do to this smartphone?’ ‘Dunk it in a bucket of water,’ he said without taking that customary break to first think and then answer. And then he just...