Listen to your mind but follow your heart

Listen to your mind but follow your heart

Team: Maximus Dramaticus   Read the previous part of the story here   The air on the first floor of the house in Chuna Mandi was pregnant with the sort of tension that you could actually cut with a knife. Jennifer sat in one corner peering into the eyepiece of her camera and pretending she...
On Modi XI

On Modi XI

That anchor, I’m sure, was talking of Modi Eleven And their dreams and day-dreams of a global heaven But critics, you see Say it was Xi And now DD’s credibility is down to minus seven   Arvind Passey 22 September 2014
Bilawal's rant -- a limerick

Bilawal’s rant — a limerick

Bilawal’s ridiculous rant means Pakistan has won The race to be the World’s Joke No. One So Rahul dear Need no longer fear As he is replaced by this next gen pun!     Arvind Passey 20 September 2014
Generation gaps are meant to be overcome

Generation gaps are meant to be overcome

‘How will you define a VIP in your life?’ asked a friend once. I replied, ‘Well, certainly not the sort who distance themselves by layers of Z-security and create traffic snarls.’ I was silent for a while and my friend continued to look at me for a more elaborate explanation. I then decided to answer...
The reply

The reply

‘What if I were to wake up as a five year old child?’ I asked. Specky, my wife looked at and simply said, ‘You’re tired after the long flight from London to Delhi and I think you need sleep.’ When I persisted, she dismissed my question as being one that had too many unanswered elements....
Hooked to technology

Hooked to technology

We’re all hooked to technology and even the biology of moments must have bits and bytes for survival of its ecology. We’re all hooked to technology! Technology isn’t just a habit. It’s a mind-set that, like a rabbit, hops along with you so much that with you it will cohabit! We’re all hooked to technology!...
My nerdy world

My nerdy world

The first time I realised that I loved technology was when our nursery teacher drew a square shape on the board and said, ‘Draw this.’ The class struggled with their four straight lines and were intent on creating the funniest possible squares in their drawing books. I thought for a while, then pulled out my...


We’re all always spontaneous. But we aren’t always brilliantly spontaneous. Most of the time, therefore, powerful spontaneity comes in the form of a perfumed after-thought or brilliance that exists in our minds only. The world thus misses out on millions of such quotable spontaneous responses each minute… and spontaneity remains, at best, mediocre. In the...
Cage opened… will the parrot fly?

Cage opened… will the parrot fly?

No, I’m not Panda from the Biju Janta Dal… and this article isn’t about the SC ruling allowing CBI to go after top bureaucrats without waiting for a nod from the Government. So, obviously, there will be no politics and thus no tummy-aches because of uninterrupted bouts of laughter. I’m going to talk about cricket…...
Don’t be a mug

Don’t be a mug

The mug on my table has enough lessons for our political bigwigs, shabby wigs, no wig, starry wigs, goon wigs, scam wigs, and chic wigs. It has a beautiful curvy nose covering a major part of its face and it is as proud of its nose as we humans are of ours. You know the...
It’s time to talk of a speck of time

It’s time to talk of a speck of time

I’ve always thought of time as something that pulsates with life… an entity that you can, if you really wish to, touch, poke, and tickle… the funny thing is that time camouflages itself as a left-brained creature every time I dive into the abstraction surrounding reality. This happened again a few nights back when I...


The place where I grew up was Bundelkhund… and the people of this region are lazy with their pronunciation. So for many years even I played ‘kirkit’, listened to ‘kirkit’ commentary, and didn’t know that there was an insect too that went by the same name. It was when I was well past the junior...