In Coimbatore with Narain Karthikeyan. A great drive – entry for Michelin Pilot Experience by Arvind Passey

In Coimbatore with Narain Karthikeyan. A great drive – entry for Michelin Pilot Experience by Arvind Passey

A Great Drive – entry for Michelin Pilot Experience by Arvind Passey   We were waiting for Narain to come. Narain Karthikeyan, the legendary Formula 1 driver from India. I had flown in from a cold Delhi to a warm Coimbatore in December and loved the tepid sun though I felt better in the shade...
Searching for roads in the sand dunes

Searching for roads in the sand dunes

Searching for roads in the sand dunes A great drive – entry for Michelin Pilot Experience by Arvind Passey ‘The great escape,’ I heard someone say, ‘is like searching for roads in the sand dunes.’ I thought for a while, turned to him, and asked, ‘Roads in the dunes?’ he was one of the rally...


‘How was the trip from Kaza to Tabo and then to Dhankar?’ asked our guide. ‘Unforgettable!’ said Specky and then looked towards me for my opinion. I said, ‘Yeahabsolutely!’ Since that day we call every fantastic trip or unforgettable moment a ‘yeahabsolute’ moment! The trip actually began at Manali and took us to the dizzying...
Twelve hours away from insanity

Twelve hours away from insanity

‘My college routine is making me insane. I need a break,’ said Specky. This one simple sentence led us into the heart of Spiti that we fondly remember now as being twelve hours away from insanity! Yes, we did a fair degree of research before we decided on Kaza as the place which would quite...
Yes, you can climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge

Yes, you can climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge

Trip: Sydney. 2012. Expedia made this trip to Sydney possible. You can catch them on Facebook, twitter, and even on Youtube.     The Sydney Harbour Bridge is not just an iconic structure that can be photographed and talked about… you can actually climb it to the top. Yes, be 134 metres above the city of Sydney. This is...
Nine metres deep into the Andaman Sea

Nine metres deep into the Andaman Sea

There are incredible stories, incredible moments, incredible personalities, incredible actions, and even incredible experiences! I remember the first time I boarded an airplane, I was overwhelmed and I had said to myself: ‘This is incredible!’ Flying is no longer ‘incredible’… but I still find the lift-off not just incredible but a super sensual experience. However,...
UFO in Kasauli

UFO in Kasauli

Incredible moments come unannounced. Always. Like they did on a fine August day last year as we were getting ready to drive back to Chandigarh. The moments were surreal, and simply out of this world. Those incredible moments came rushing in at us through a large gaping hole in the sky. But wait… we’ll get...
An eco-warrior on the trek route in Havelock Island

An eco-warrior on the trek route in Havelock Island

Trip: Port Blair and Havelock. February 2012.  Our stay in Havelock had been nothing short of heaven so far. We were almost three govt-ferry hours away from Port Blair and had already completed our introductory scuba dive. We had bicycled our way to Kaala Pathar, a beach on the East face of the island, explored...

Poem for the Top 100 in TGDC

TGDC will now have a short-list of 12…thats great news! (In case u want our personal opinion… all 100 should drive the Cedia…!) Here is a poem of 2 stanzas dedicated to the Top 100 participants in TGDC: Let TGDC surprise us all By sending all 100 a call To go out and drive the...

Mail from TGDC

Screen shot of the mail from TGDC. The mail that woke us up to the fact that we were less than two days away from the next short-list:

Top 100 – TGDC 2009

Top 100 – TGDC 2009 This is the jpeg of the page that gave us the thrill of a life-time… we had to click on each of the alphabets to reveal the pics of the winning couples one by one and this actually added to the suspense. TGDC guys really know how to bring in...

The Great Driving Challenge

Our Introduction Maths and poetry holding hands is what can produce the architecture of life! True… at least for Specky (ie, Sangita) and me (ie, Arvind) as our son Pushkin is, in fact, studying for his Masters in Architecture from AA, London. Specky is working as HOD with DTTE, Govt. of Delhi and was a...