Sydney – Fireworks in Education

Sydney – Fireworks in Education

I know there is no direct link between fireworks and education unless you’re talking about students who have learnt the art of thinking well beyond conventional thought to create inroads that help us all evolve. This is actually true of tens of institutes and colleges that are there in Sydney, Australia and the campus life...
Melbourne really is psychic

Melbourne really is psychic

Yes, this city does tend to enter and travel through your synapses and into the layers of your mind faster than you would imagine… and I am talking about the effect based on my online exploration of the city. Yes, I’ve been to Sydney and the memories of that trip remain fresh, unjaded, and full...
Me in Melbourne… and Melbourne in me

Me in Melbourne… and Melbourne in me

“A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.” (John Lennon) I know I dream. But do cities too dream? I believe they do and they constantly dream of people. Cities thrive and flourish when there are people there within it and loving it. No, this isn’t a...
Thoughts on the train to Katoomba

Thoughts on the train to Katoomba

Trip: Sydney. 2012.   Expedia made this trip to Sydney possible. You can catch them on Facebook, twitter, and even on Youtube.   Going up three flights of escalators to reach the ground floor of the Sydney central station was just as easy as finding the platform from where my Intercity for Katoomba would be leaving. There were large...
A peep on the runways

A peep on the runways

Trip: Sydney. 2012. Expedia made this trip to Sydney possible. You can catch them on Facebook, twitter, and even on Youtube. Airports are places where I always love watching airplanes. I’ve been doing this for years now and it is still as fascinating as it was then… truth is that even when we drive from Delhi to Gurgaon, I...
Observing people at the airport

Observing people at the airport

Trip: Sydney. 2012. Expedia made this trip to Sydney possible. You can catch them on Facebook, twitter, and even on Youtube.     ‘What do you do when you cross the security check and have a lot of time on your hands?’ asked a friend once. ‘Well, I talk to my wife,’ I answered simply. ‘And when you’re alone?’...
Sustainable Sydney

Sustainable Sydney

Trip: Sydney. 2012. Expedia made this trip to Sydney possible. You can catch them on Facebook, twitter, and even on Youtube.     There is art everywhere in Sydney. I stepped out of Amora on Jamison Street and came face to face with art. Walk in any direction and you’ll encounter art. In front of building, in laneways, near...
Yes, you can climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge

Yes, you can climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge

Trip: Sydney. 2012. Expedia made this trip to Sydney possible. You can catch them on Facebook, twitter, and even on Youtube.     The Sydney Harbour Bridge is not just an iconic structure that can be photographed and talked about… you can actually climb it to the top. Yes, be 134 metres above the city of Sydney. This is...
Sydney in reflections

Sydney in reflections

Trip: Sydney. 2012 Expedia made this trip to Sydney possible. You can catch them on Facebook, twitter, and even on Youtube.     What do you see in a city like Sydney with high rises and lots of reflective surface? Well, reflections that can be exotic, thoughtful, or even naughty! A reflection is the soul of any city… it...
Sydney lights

Sydney lights

Trip: Sydney. 2012. Expedia made this trip to Sydney possible. You can catch them on Facebook, twitter, and even on Youtube.       I stood on the harbour bridge in Sydney and looked out towards the city. The night was dark and the city lights gave me a view that was unforgettable. I turned my glance towards the...
Bus art in Sydney

Bus art in Sydney

Trip.: Sydney. 2012. Expedia made this trip to Sydney possible. You can catch them on Facebook, twitter, and even on Youtube.     Art attracts. Even advertisements, if done well, can add to the charm of any city. They can be placed strategically on the city transport as well… buses, taxis, trams, trains, city rail, intercity, monorail, rickshaws, and...
Graffiti in Sydney

Graffiti in Sydney

Trip: Sydney. 2012. Expedia made this trip to Sydney possible. You can catch them on Facebook, twitter, and even on Youtube.       Graffiti can be both inspiring and intimidating… legal as well as illegal… accepted and unacceptable… creative and it can be just a mishmash of abuses hurled at you with a spray can from a wall!...