The lost traveller

The lost traveller

There is hardly any romance in a wild goose chase in the middle of the night. I wouldn’t like to land in a strange city after dark and then go running from one place to another to find the right place to spend the night in. The traveller in me is generally lost when it...
Melbourne really is psychic

Melbourne really is psychic

Yes, this city does tend to enter and travel through your synapses and into the layers of your mind faster than you would imagine… and I am talking about the effect based on my online exploration of the city. Yes, I’ve been to Sydney and the memories of that trip remain fresh, unjaded, and full...
Passion, Pain, and Possibility

Passion, Pain, and Possibility

The year was 1994. Specky, my wife, came in and said, ‘I’ve won the scholarship.’ That’s it. Nothing more. But I didn’t need any more information. I knew exactly what she meant. She had just been awarded the Commonwealth Scholarship to go and get her DPhil from the UK. So this is how I got...


This is no drama Nor just a fancy panorama And if you’ve heard of Akbarnama Or Dozakhnama You’ll know what I mean When I ask you to read my TRAVE-nama! My Trave-nama isn’t just an account of my travels into lands that stay forever in your memory. There have been many such travels and I...
Me in Melbourne… and Melbourne in me

Me in Melbourne… and Melbourne in me

“A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.” (John Lennon) I know I dream. But do cities too dream? I believe they do and they constantly dream of people. Cities thrive and flourish when there are people there within it and loving it. No, this isn’t a...