Truly alive

Truly alive

I guess an adventure is when you do something that you have never done… so yes, by this definition even writing a poem for someone who has no idea of metres, syllables, and rhymes is as intense an adventure as is driving the F1 car in an international driving circuit for someone who generally drives...
Intellectual seduction needs repeat visits

Intellectual seduction needs repeat visits

One glance, one cursory touch, or a few words spoken are never enough to seduce a person for a longer duration. These short-term cerebral interactions can, at best, lead to a temporary phase of infatuation… a long-term relationship results because of intellectual seduction and this takes time. ‘What are you talking about?’ asked Specky, my...
PicTale 010 – A surreal marvel in Kuala Lumpur

PicTale 010 – A surreal marvel in Kuala Lumpur

  Everyone who visits Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia, must be going inside the Petronas Tower… and a lot of them would be reaching the Food Courts on the top floor of the unrestricted access area of the tower. This where we were… and after a slow conversation-laden dinner at Madam Kwan’s, were making our way...
The mathematics of travel

The mathematics of travel

Travel is all about happiness… and happiness is all about togetherness. To be travelling alone doesn’t deprive you of the experiences and impressions of the place where you are, but you always feel there was something missing in all these smiles that you gave while being clicked, or something incomplete in the way you described...