The mathematics of travel

The mathematics of travel

Travel is all about happiness… and happiness is all about togetherness. To be travelling alone doesn’t deprive you of the experiences and impressions of the place where you are, but you always feel there was something missing in all these smiles that you gave while being clicked, or something incomplete in the way you described...
York to Scarborough in 1996

York to Scarborough in 1996

The mind goes back in time and sometimes ferrets out tiny bits from the past that bother you, until you tell yourself, ‘I’d like to go back in time and do all that differently… correctly.’ Those are little time frames that heckle you and make you feel so imperfect.  ‘But then imperfection is what pushes...
The squirrels of Kensington Palace

The squirrels of Kensington Palace

Trip: London. May-July 2010.   It was never going to be an ordinary day… a day when we discovered an otherwise invisible bond between humans, birds, and animals! It is difficult to forget a date when you’ve met the friendliest of giant squirrels in the world. So quite expectedly, I too remember the 18th of...
The future teller in London

The future teller in London

Trip: London. June to July 2010.   Summer of 2010. Our forty-second day in London. Pushkin’s graduation ceremony at the AA School of Architecture and Planning was over, most of our ‘walks’ to explore the real London were done, all stores on Oxford Street and the ones adjoining this place were visited, food in lots...