Posts tagged "action"

Essay on environment for PT: Paint your world green

CRGR is not a mere acronym, but alphabets that have the power within them to give life to life! For the uninitiated, let CRGR be ‘Clean Raipur, green Raipur’, but for those who know what an unhealthy environment can do, it will serve as the clarion call to get and get going!! Caring for the...

A prep-talk for staying motivated!

Motivation is not just a hot buzz word that is bandied around by pedagogues! To be a superstar, every student must aim to have it in him and make serious attempts to retain it. Though it is easy to utter the word ‘motivation’, it is rather difficult to understand its nuances and follow them. There...

The Magic of Gratitude

Educating oneself to make gratitude mean something that cannot be taken for granted, and always eager to seek out and value the kind that will stand behind the action. Nothing that is done is a matter of course. Everything originates in a spirit for the excellence, which is directed at you. Train yourself never to...