Posts tagged "advertising"
There is no space without adventure

There is no space without adventure

My kid is grown-up. He is an architect and stays in London. But at home in Delhi we always have a lot of kids coming in and going out yelling, shouting, playing hide-and-seek, pretending to be imaginary characters, and writing. Writing? Well, yes, I ask them all to sit with their notebooks and pencils and...
Bus art in Sydney

Bus art in Sydney

Trip.: Sydney. 2012. Expedia made this trip to Sydney possible. You can catch them on Facebook, twitter, and even on Youtube.     Art attracts. Even advertisements, if done well, can add to the charm of any city. They can be placed strategically on the city transport as well… buses, taxis, trams, trains, city rail, intercity, monorail, rickshaws, and...

Why let soup sellers dictate your choice?

Yes, thats true… soup sellers are now telling people that the newest trend is to have soup in a mug! And they’re giving one free with their sachets… ridiculous, I’d say. Advertising mugs everyone, doesn’t it? Depending on one’s mood, one can slurp soup, lick soup, drink soup, eat soup, gulp soup, bolt soup, nibble...

The magic of headlines!

Do you read a few chapters first before you decide to buy a novel? No, you probably look at the title, maybe browse the blurb, stare at the cover graphic… and then let your gut feel do the rest. When it comes to ads, do you read the full ad first and then look at...

Spirituality traces the contours of your destiny!

The most noticeable thing about spirituality is the sheer dependency it seems to have on words. One can discover spirituality pointers while sifting through the pile of books that are available or through the spoken words that the gurus that abound today or through the words of those who can convey half-baked truths of the...