Posts tagged "beach"
What does the tourism ad for a beach say?

What does the tourism ad for a beach say?

  Even the shallows here Hide a depth That brings us near A blissful state Of happiness That some call Nirvava. A heaven where Dizzying heights Emerge from the Blissful shallows Sandy beaches… Caress & touch The healthy greens Of a shore That is pure! Every moment Smiles & offers To add to your Experiences...
The Goan fisherman who caught just starfish

The Goan fisherman who caught just starfish

Trip: Goa. November 2011.   Goa, where the beaches take you inwards into a strange world of thoughtfulness while asking you to remain outside of yourself and soak in all the world has to offer! They fill you with an intoxication that goes beyond what a mere bottle can capture and offer. The beaches there...