Posts tagged "beard"
The tricky twins!

The tricky twins!

Ram and Shyam were twins. They were both fond of playing tricks on their friends and teachers. Ram had a preference for a stubble and Shyam shaved daily. But there were days when they reversed this… and when this happened, the world was in a tizzy! So obviously, their favourite one was pretending to be...
Poets write, stubbles don’t

Poets write, stubbles don’t

They were meeting after a gap of a fortnight. He sported a stubble that day. She stopped about two feet from him, looked straight into his eyes and said, ‘Your clean shaven looked bowled me over. And then bit by bit I began loving you. But this look…’ She paused. Her pause was long enough...
Men in pursuit

Men in pursuit

No we’re not debating if it is men who love pursuing women or is it the other way round. Think what pleases you because I believe both forever want the best as their friend and partner. But here is a conversation between two men. One is a pogonophiliac or a lover of beards sporting a...