Posts tagged "BlogchatterA2Z"
Beyond the thorns

Beyond the thorns

Rumi writes that ‘bougainvillea dances with the wind’ even in the heart of summer’s blaze. Other writers have called it ‘a beacon of hope,’ a ‘symphony of colours,’ a ‘flame burning bright amidst the darkness,’ and the truth is there for each of us to see and experience. If you look close enough beyond the...
What are they talking about? Bhakt, bhakti, and brickbats

What are they talking about? Bhakt, bhakti, and brickbats

If you think you know what bhakti means, you obviously have no idea that someone on urban dictionary defines it as ‘the act of falling asleep or randomly leaving instant messenger without an away message and not returning for a few hours. The act of asking too my hypothetical questions’ and if you did that...
What are they talking about? Age, alcohol, and addiction

What are they talking about? Age, alcohol, and addiction

Age, alcohol, and addiction in a conversation these past few days has had a surprising entry: Rats. Yes, rats have been accused by SHO Inderpal Singh of Kotwali Dehat police station in UP as non-paying guzzlers of 1450 cartons of illicit liquor seized by them. When I searched the internet for similar cases, I was...
What are they talking about? Theme reveal for #BlogchatterA2Z for 2021

What are they talking about? Theme reveal for #BlogchatterA2Z for 2021

If one goes by what happens on the social media these days one walks away with the impression that everyone is ready to talk. Without wanting to hear anyone else out, of course. It is so much of yada-yada all over that no one is quite sure if it is informed views that one is...