Posts tagged "body language"
Let the body say it for you

Let the body say it for you

Between having something to say and saying something lies the territory non-verbal communication. This is something that adds to the impact of whatever it is that is to be communicated. The body must be in sync with what you are saying… I mean, a peppy waving of hands at a solemn moment runs the risk...
Having something to say and saying something

Having something to say and saying something

The word communication has been derived from the latin word ‘communis’ which means ‘to make common’, ‘to share’, ‘to impart’ or ‘to transmit’ – that is, make common, share, impart or transmit ideas, information or knowledge etc in ways that the impact stays for long. To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all...

Let your body speak the language of success!

When I was at the Indian Military Academy in Dehradun, a few of the first words that were literally barked at me were: “Hey you! Yes, you GC (Gentleman cadet)… Chin up, shoulders back, and chest out! This is the mantra of success… and will not be repeated in mere words again!!” You’ve probably heard...