Posts tagged "change"
The stupidity and the courage in a struggle

The stupidity and the courage in a struggle

To idolise or to vilify struggle… this is the dilemma that haunts a lot of people. There is both stupidity and courage in struggle and it isn’t easy to give the word a single definition. One thing, however, is certain… struggle remains constant whether we go for a big change or not. Look at me....
Life – Change – Blogging… are they connected?

Life – Change – Blogging… are they connected?

Do lines change lives? Will words ever move in or shuffle out to brighten moments? Or will they obey logic to make unbiased decisions? Do lines change lives? Is it correct to use the word ‘do’ in the above lines… or will it be more appropriate to have used the word ‘can’? Both ways the...
These words must change!

These words must change!

Every chess player knows what is meant by the ‘power of four’… a domination of the four central squares on the chess board means you’ve managed to eke out a benefit that can very well go on to become the reason for your victory. If this can happen in a mere game it can be...
Change tomorrow and stay free!

Change tomorrow and stay free!

I wanna be The voice of change! Hmmm… what is change? What changes? What can be changed? I wanna be The voice of change! Governments change Times change People change Change changes! I wanna be The voice of change! I change channels I change course I change my mind. I wanna be The voice of...


This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton Season 2 edition 18; the eighteenth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. ======================================= What I say I can say to different people at...

The power to change the world

Mother Teresa remarked: ‘Life is a promise; fulfill it.’ The way a better world emerges is one life at a time. Launch your intents with your own life, and let the goodness and kindness quickly spread outward from you. Imagine how the world would be if everyone became focused on the positive possibilities. By directing...