Posts tagged "csr"
Corporates are magicians wearing two hats

Corporates are magicians wearing two hats

Corporates are magicians wearing two hats Sometimes even as little as four minutes are able to win more hearts and make you think of values, commitments, and responsibilities than would long-winding panegyrics of a politically important nature. The story of Sadanand Ugale from Kannad in Maharashtra brings in multiple hues of human emotions travelling in...
The art of good business

The art of good business

The art of good business ‘I want to buy a new smartphone,’ said a friend, ‘but I’m not sure which one to go for.’ ‘Buy one that fits your needs,’ I replied. Hearing my answer this friend unfolded a piece of paper and read out some startling statistics. He said that his bank had begun...
A playfield called CSR

A playfield called CSR

A playfield called CSR This happened ten years ago when I was heading corporate communications for a company and CSR or Corporate Social Responsibility was slowly attempting to penetrate our plans. The CEO said, ‘We need to project the company as environment friendly.’ The suggestions that followed included giving away hundreds of saplings during events...
Why did my wife and I walk out of Akshara Theatre today?

Why did my wife and I walk out of Akshara Theatre today?

No, there wasn’t any critical global issue brewing up as we walked out of Akshara theatre today minutes before ‘The Vagina Monologues’ (a play that we very much wanted to see) was to begin. However, our leaving the venue had everything to do with a lot of irresponsibly fanciful, wild, and whirling words that one...

Write-up on SHB (Saathi Haath Badhana)

Title 1: Lesson in moral and mental excellence Title 2: Circulating the message of hope to all Give. Share. Offer. Donate. Contribute. They are all words until someone gets up and does something about it! Among the things that we can and must share with all is knowledge. The other vital element that we can...

The power to change the world

Mother Teresa remarked: ‘Life is a promise; fulfill it.’ The way a better world emerges is one life at a time. Launch your intents with your own life, and let the goodness and kindness quickly spread outward from you. Imagine how the world would be if everyone became focused on the positive possibilities. By directing...