Posts tagged "dance"
Balasaraswati – The Truth. A review of the book ‘Balasaraswati: Her Life & Art’

Balasaraswati – The Truth. A review of the book ‘Balasaraswati: Her Life & Art’

Thanjavur Balasaraswati (1918 – 1984) – a dancer and a musician, a legend who combined the traditions of the past with a futuristic vision… to give bharatnatyam its rightful position in the world of arts. I have reviewed this book on video too and I’m sure you’d all want to see that before you go...
Three Haikus

Three Haikus

Three Haikus   Leaves are words, leafless trees can also say a lot. All seasons live life. *** A few syllables wanting to dance together Why give them a name? *** moving ahead missing giant slug emerging   Arvind Passey 11 August 2011   Featured image credit: Edstrip