Posts tagged "delhi riots"


Have a riot and please your heartOr read the riot act to ease the uneaseGive your hair a riot of colors to startA new era if there’s an expired lease. Imagination runs riot to createA new world riotously entertainingAnd only a riot of emotions satiateNerves that have been over-straining. A riot that’s an outburst with...
I'll tell you why we are burning

I’ll tell you why we are burning

Loudspeakers are now a weaponSocial media updates push an agendaRoad blocks are the messengersWhatsApp claims to tell the truthNews anchors debate half-baked viewsHeadlines scream without knowing whyAnd being divisive is praised. All around are people stunned and dazedDreams have gone up in smokeBlood is no longer sustaining lifeSmiles tag beliefs that are irrelevantWords nervously look...
Making today better than yesterday

Making today better than yesterday

I’m unsure if Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow are brothers but they certainly hang out together in the pub where only time cocktails are served. This may sound rather mundane, boring, and repetitive but it is not. The three, I believe, are just data collectors who neither create nor act on anything, smartly stay away from...