Posts tagged "Delhi"
The dictator

The dictator

He moved ahead leaving a trail Of incomplete poetry And then jumped on to other paths Where he was able to leave Incomplete Articles, sketches, thoughts, And lots and lots Of priceless creative clutter. He left behind Words that could have been friends Or leaders or lovers They could’ve given the world His world A...


This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton Season 2 edition 18; the eighteenth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. ======================================= What I say I can say to different people at...
BIG B – Life on hinges of Hinglish

BIG B – Life on hinges of Hinglish

Let me start this review with a Buddha quote as a statutory warning: ‘Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.’ Well, the BIG here isn’t BIGG of BIGG BOSS, the B...

World Cup has truly arrived!

Who made this tie become real? Strauss? Piyush Chawla? Munaf Patel? Zaheer Khan? Sachin? The crowds at Chinnaswamy? Or was it a tweet by Shane Warne that gathered all the forces of the universe to conjure up a tie? Almost everyone all over the cricketing world starting conjecturing… and letting us all know through their...

Inner Voices

There is a lot to earn if you learn To let in art inside your heart And never rush, for you may crush Or just scramble everything apart! You get thematic if you’re mathematical And never sick if just physical But remember that every member Of an actuary can’t act theatrical! Poetry, we know, is...

Man, Woman, and Poetry!

There is an intrinsic spiritual connection between a man, woman, and poetry. I came across a few quotes trying to crack the mystery that woman is and some wanting to dive deeper into the man-woman relationship. To my surprise I found they held in their folds some spicy, tangy, and zingy lessons for men as...
Shadows Never Evolve.

Shadows Never Evolve.

I’m sure you’ve never heard of a shadow behaving intelligently though they love to appear in deep thought! They peep out when they ought not to curiously caress people make worlds seem darker and rush over words without reading a bit! Now what I don’t like a bit about shadows is that they’re never still....

Is Blogging A Spiritual Activity?

Blogging, like any other creative activity has both a spiritual as well as a demonic angle to it… so long as a blogger sources outpourings from within, it remains blissful. This is because he is ‘creating’ and any act of creation has the power to take one much above the plane of mortal existence. The...
You are almost there!

You are almost there!

There is nothing to fear from these four words. I go with the premise that everybody is working on something or the other and has certain goals in mind. It is so encouraging if a soothsayer pops up and announces: ‘You are almost there!’ This actually is what everyone wants to read every time one...
Why did my wife and I walk out of Akshara Theatre today?

Why did my wife and I walk out of Akshara Theatre today?

No, there wasn’t any critical global issue brewing up as we walked out of Akshara theatre today minutes before ‘The Vagina Monologues’ (a play that we very much wanted to see) was to begin. However, our leaving the venue had everything to do with a lot of irresponsibly fanciful, wild, and whirling words that one...
On Shadows

On Shadows

Ever observed the way shadows behave in the morning as well as in the evening? They go on and stretch themselves to create a surrealistic impression that seems to emerge straight out of the bower of creativity! But the thoughts that came knocking when I saw my dawn shadow were not the same as when...

Not Here. Not Now!

Not here… not now! These four words are indeed powerful and hold the secrets of creative outbursts within them. I realised it the moment I read a status update on FB today. A friend from London updated her FB status:”…is sick of london weather already, don’t know how I am going to survive rest of...