Posts tagged "Delhi"
Quite naïve of him. Review of 'The death of Vishnu'

Quite naïve of him. Review of ‘The death of Vishnu’

(Review of ‘The Death of Vishnu’ by Manil Suri) Michael Gorra in his review of ‘The Death of Vishnu’ on January 28, 2010, wrote: “The novel offers plenty of satire, but barely a rupee’s worth of social criticism. Politics plays no explicit role in his characters’ lives, and neither do the issues of Westernization; the...

Let the battle begin!

‘Let the games begin!’ The words that Pratibha Patil spoke had a strange and endearing quality about them. The words were not different from what had been spoken tens of times earlier, but the way she uttered, the way the emphasis lay on the word ‘beginnnnn’, the way her hand went up as if not...
Don't say NO to making new friends!

Don’t say NO to making new friends!

Don’t say NO to making new friends! You open any page of any book and you’ll find something yet undiscovered by you something that you always wanted but never knew what until you stumbled upon that book and just opened it. Unlock secrets, climb up to ecstatic revelations walk into cellars of truth unafraid, pick...

Shadows on Walls

Shadows on walls Are ghosts Only when words wish to put Fear in our hearts Or newer definitions of courage Or the benefits of togetherness Or antidotes to arrogance. Shadows on walls Happen in times of darkness Sometimes the mind knows there is light Just a door away And helplessness hides All methods of reaching...