Posts tagged "evolution"
Reasons why we must not hate corruption

Reasons why we must not hate corruption

Look around and try and spot areas where corruption has been in the headlines and is most talked about. From our judiciary to the police, from civil society to legislation, from natural resources to public services, from land administration to tax administration, from individuals who yield power to those who are powerless, corruption weaves them...
Shadows Never Evolve.

Shadows Never Evolve.

I’m sure you’ve never heard of a shadow behaving intelligently though they love to appear in deep thought! They peep out when they ought not to curiously caress people make worlds seem darker and rush over words without reading a bit! Now what I don’t like a bit about shadows is that they’re never still....

Evolution of an abstraction

[“Desire is not what you see, but what you imagine” – Paulo Coelho] ‘I’ starts a conversation with an image in the mind sometimes getting prodded by the eye, for only images don’t age, intoxicate like gin in a virtual world of dreams and when a human heart accepts and is hopelessly helpless, ‘imagine’ becomes...

Religion is what you do when the sermon is over

Spirituality is a matter of perception. It could be perceived as anything from singing bhajans to working for the betterment of mankind, from organizing mass prayers to being curious about every undiscovered ripple or pebble. We can define it as simple religiosity and also as a knowledge-quotient that takes a human to a level above...