Posts tagged "eyes"
Look who’s watching me

Look who’s watching me

Don’t ever think you are not being watched. Even when you think there is no one around and you are surrounded by silence. Even when it is dark and nothing is visible. Even when there are people around busy doing their work. Eyes don’t walk and even when they shift their glance they do it...
This happened at three in the morning

This happened at three in the morning

Sproing! Sproing!! His mind was sluggish at three in the morning and his eyes sleepy-laden. He slowly opened them and saw his navel peeping out of his unbuttoned night-suit shirt. ‘I’m lying down,’ he thought, ‘how can I see my own navel?’ He thought he was still dreaming and pulling himself out of his bed...

You know

You know that the warmth of my touch has not changed You know that the warmth of your touch is still the same You know that I still search your eyes for sparks that have not aged You know that you have in your eyes the sparks that I search for You know that even...

Sycophancy infarcts!

Stars in my eyes Reflect surprise That smiles for miles and miles! My boss is THE BOSS Others go for a toss Inspite of all their guiles! This explosive gem Will simply lick ’em Speaks a lot for warring styles! This is the truth Though somewhat uncouth But helps you score on files! A warning,...

Eyes speak!

eyes speak more than words ever can eyes scan every tone, every streak eyes wonder, eyes can dream they say ‘yes’, they can ban! yours do. thats true. If you are looking for an online place to buy beautiful eyelash extensions, you can visit Hypnotica mink eyelashes. Unlike other online stores, Hypnotica only stocks the...