Posts tagged "fantasy"


The year isn’t 3333 or some such incredible zoom into the future. The future that I see clearly in my mind isn’t even ten years later. And yet I cannot possibly pinpoint the exact day or month or year. All I can say is that the real future is near, quite near. The future where...
A fantasy called a technical course

A fantasy called a technical course

Euphemistically or otherwise, the way we humans describe technology is ‘down-to-earth’, ‘objective’, ‘practical’, and ‘useful’. The paradox is that good and sound technology always emerges out of the fantasy thinking of a dreamer… but it is rightly said that even these dreams need to be laced with facts and figures. So what is technology really?...
Isn’t this a fascinating book? Review of ‘Hilawi’

Isn’t this a fascinating book? Review of ‘Hilawi’

He sat down and put the book and DVD on the table. Her eyes lit up as she grabbed the book. “Isn’t this a fascinating book?” she asked. “It’s not mine. It is Miss Kesri’s,” he explained. Maddy opened it. A sheaf of papers fell on the floor. Maddy picked them up. The first page...
It always happens when the mind wants it to happen!

It always happens when the mind wants it to happen!

There was a distinctive tinkle and I knew that my phone was ringing. I took the phone out of my pocket and paused for a while before allowing my index finger to swipe and let the caller in. Strange that I actually paused… it was probably a signal to warn me from taking that call…...

Dinner with God

Dinner with God haunt fantasy squeeze through time mate life with soul clutch delicious promises hand wine some music then fly out to find joy! Poem by Arvind Passey 23 August 2010