Posts tagged "focus"
Unveiling inspiration

Unveiling inspiration

Converting a weakness into a strength is what #inspiration is all about. Other elements like hard-work, focus, involved approach, and research can play a role in strange and unexpected ways. Let me give a few examples. There is a story about a boy who had lost his left arm in an accident. He remained shattered...

Say: I will!… and you will!!

Aristotle remarked: “You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor.” Courage is nothing but a developed will-power to pursue an aim with single-minded devotion. For students and MBA-aspirants or even those who wish to pursue studies abroad, what is essential is developing...

The Magic of Gratitude

Educating oneself to make gratitude mean something that cannot be taken for granted, and always eager to seek out and value the kind that will stand behind the action. Nothing that is done is a matter of course. Everything originates in a spirit for the excellence, which is directed at you. Train yourself never to...

The Power of Dreams

Years ago, two normal guys got together in their garage and came up with an idea. They wanted to build the world’s first personal computer. All the “experts” told them that they couldn’t do it – and IBM was the “only game in town” – but they listened to their hearts and they launched –...