Posts tagged "heritage tourism"
Sanchi Stupa – a mesmerizing dance of Buddhist art and literature

Sanchi Stupa – a mesmerizing dance of Buddhist art and literature

If you reach Sanchi without knowing what our jataka tales are and without having at least one Rs 200 currency note in your wallet, you’re going to miss out on the two big experiences you can have there. Not knowing the jataka tales will mean you will remain amazed by all the well-preserved stone carvings...
Orchha on river Betwa

Orchha on river Betwa

Water connects people, architecture, religion, mythology, and society to each other in many ways… and this happens not just in India but the world over. Water carries with it hundreds of stories of existence, survival, traditions, rituals, and explanations for that which remains unexplained so far just as easily as it brings to the border...
A citizen of passion

A citizen of passion

These are times when it is safer to embrace passion popping out of your inbox… and these words have the basic aim to brighten up a difficult period. A few of us experienced the passionate joy of travel to some of the brightest moments in the cultural history of our country when we travelled to...