Posts tagged "IIM"

Success happens when tasks are completed!

When I observe students studying, a lot of them tend to start chapters and concepts with a lot of zest but soon their attention diminishes. They want to jump from one subject to another, from one unfinished chapter to the next, and from one book to the one that their friend is reading. This tendency...

Set your sights for success in MBA-entrance

It is not just the football players who rush towards goals. It is their focus and their unflinching sights on the goal that spells success in the sweetest possible way. The same principle applies to students and MBA-aspirants too. Goal-setting makes a lot of sense and it is vital to understand its dynamics properly. Goals...

Student success and bumpers!

Bumpers in a bowling alley help in telling us a lot about our playing skills. They protect and they also tell us the direction in which the throw must go to prevent any failure moments. Life too has its bumpers. They are just as vital for students and those who wish to achieve anything. The...

Storm the MBA entrance through intuition!

Can B-schools include a module on “How to be a trailblazer”? Can inspiration be deconstructed, set to an algorithm and thus made repeatable? Is there a management term for ‘sixth sense’? All my mêlée here in this article is in essence a return to an age old debate on the innate variance of management education....

CAT-A-LOGUE 2007 – write-up.

A dialogue is the beginning point of all successes! That is the reason for the mammoth popularity of CAT-A-LOGUE. This mega event that is conducted at all the centres of PT is distinctive in its flavour and success. With a totally-engrossed, involved, focussed, and clearly upbeat student audience, this event surely is a feather in...

Step into the IIM of your choice!

Performance is the doorway to results. If you wish to MBA your dreams, the day to give your best performance has been decided. The door which opens to the world of fame, recognition and success is awaits your knock. Yes, we are talking about CAT 2006 which is a dream of all those who’ll be...

Success through analytical and calculation skills

‘CAT 2006’ notification is out and once again CAT has changed its colour. This time the most prestigious management entrance exam is going to be of 2½ hrs with some more minor changes like percentage criteria in graduation etc. One goes to the extent of saying it is the most prestigious exam, and enough evidence...