Posts tagged "indian poets"
I'll tell you why we are burning

I’ll tell you why we are burning

Loudspeakers are now a weaponSocial media updates push an agendaRoad blocks are the messengersWhatsApp claims to tell the truthNews anchors debate half-baked viewsHeadlines scream without knowing whyAnd being divisive is praised. All around are people stunned and dazedDreams have gone up in smokeBlood is no longer sustaining lifeSmiles tag beliefs that are irrelevantWords nervously look...
Mixology in Agra

Mixology in Agra

Mixology in Agra A handful of history A heapful of culture A dash of mystery Can obviously stir And carry emotions To a new tourism high. Heavenly potions Of what, where, and why Waltz in this city now And I begin this trip To Agra to wow With a soulful tourism sip. . . ....
Just be one

Just be one

Just be one Being different is being human. Our choice of thoughts for words Or words for our thoughts Dress up the entire horizon. The entire horizon belongs to us all. That’s the only way to exist Or coexist, if that appeals more. Seeing as one isn’t important But being one matters. . . ....
What the tree said in December

What the tree said in December

What the tree said in December Prosperity isn’t forever Prejudices don’t last I get love, I’m the lover And hope, I know, is vast. . . . Arvind Passey 28 January 2020
This is what the clock said

This is what the clock said

This is what the clock said . What does a clock really say? I mean, besides tick-tock, of course. May I? Or is it more like I may Silently observe or shout myself hoarse, I may bleat or burp or blast Or run or burn or turn Tables upside down or cast A spell or...
The historian

The historian

The historian . A few pictures of me as I grew up, remain I allow memory to behave like an app Turning every moment away from disdain Unless I want my present to give me a slap. I create my past from conversation bits Gently brushing away parts I do not like What I complete,...
Be still

Be still

Be still Some days when stillness stays And reflections whisper what is A lonesome brown leaf softly says I can touch the clouds and kiss. . . . . Arvind Passey 15 January 2020
The new battlefield

The new battlefield

The new battlefield . This isn’t how it can be done. This will never bridge a gap. This will only sting and stun. This fidgets on my lap. That isn’t right I’d say. That isn’t bright as well. That deserves only a nay. That doesn’t ring a bell. I’ve heard them all for many times...
Learning the grammar of time

Learning the grammar of time

Learning the grammar of time Light and dark patches, unreal hues, Merger of reflections, blurring lines of logic, And photo alteration conversations that refuse To end can disorient. But they must. They will. Art is so much like writing or political unrest. Call each poem a revolution, if you must, But it is in an...
Thoughts on the first day of the year

Thoughts on the first day of the year

Thoughts on the first day of the year Between clicking the new year parade Or this tree offering all it has, in gratitude I chose the latter, watched its life’s work fade Into, or maybe, merge with the universe. The parade moved on, the crowds walked away And it must now be silent at Trafalgar,...
I will forget you too

I will forget you too

1. You stepped away like a blink That happens between what remains and what disappears, Like the curtain of haze in the cortex Of an alzheimer-soaked mind, Like an unread page in a thriller. You assumed I will forget you too… I am determination and I’m here to kill your misconceptions. 2. I am a...
The mind is an astronaut in space

The mind is an astronaut in space

Deep within me there are no boundaries.No cacophony of walls are ever built here.No barbed wires separate a smileFrom a caress. Or love from fear.There are no marching bandsNothing here will beat retreats.Heavy boots with nailed solesAren’t ordered to create reverberating treatsThat give birth to tsunamis of emotionsEnding with a blitz of applauding commotions. A...