Posts tagged "intuition"

I am not a poet by profession!

Even poets never say They are poets first They ever prefer to be, stay With their social thrust This then is the simple fact Not intuition, but just tact! Simpler are the birds we see Those that sing, just sing. [Arvind Passey] [2007]

Storm the MBA entrance through intuition!

Can B-schools include a module on “How to be a trailblazer”? Can inspiration be deconstructed, set to an algorithm and thus made repeatable? Is there a management term for ‘sixth sense’? All my mêlée here in this article is in essence a return to an age old debate on the innate variance of management education....

The Power of Dreams

Years ago, two normal guys got together in their garage and came up with an idea. They wanted to build the world’s first personal computer. All the “experts” told them that they couldn’t do it – and IBM was the “only game in town” – but they listened to their hearts and they launched –...