Posts tagged "less is more"
The ant, a grasshopper, and a smartphone

The ant, a grasshopper, and a smartphone

You must have heard of the fable where an ant was busy saving food for the incoming winters and the grasshopper went about merrily chirping and hopping and doing everything grasshoppers do, including buying expensive smartphones. People often heard the grasshopper say, ‘I’ve just bought the latest most expensive phone guys.’ His friend, the ant,...

I love: More is Merrier!

Ages back one of the products that I promoted was ‘Supristol’ from German Remedies which had this slogan: LESS IS MORE. Of-course, the detailing talked about how LESS dose was getting results that were MORE efficacy… but the point is that those were times when everyone harped on ‘less’. The ideas floating then, included: Spend...