Posts tagged "limericks"
This happens everyday

This happens everyday

I pick-up newspapers and collar them inSkip what they call news or even viewsTo chart slogans and captions that winAttentions of many to cart-off their blues!Once this is done, it is time for funTo see how atmanirbhar we are nowOr the ways devised for real poribortanAnd everything else from Nifty to Dow.This happens each day...
Being an angel is risky business

Being an angel is risky business

Dancing angels aren’t always angelicWhat they do can be idylls that are sickEven Satan can writeOr paint with insight…Agree or he may come to prod you with a stick! True, said the angels, and then go in a huddleAnd dance on their heads until in a muddleOf wayward thoughtsOf dashes and dots.Their emojis, for us,...
Poet for hire

Poet for hire

London. Queen’s Walk. 10 June 2014   London surprises you every time. I mean, just look at what happens on crossings in New Delhi. You find the same kind of ragamuffins selling pirated books, or similar looking amateur kid gangs doing the same act of threading their unexpectedly slim body through an astonishingly small ring...
Bold Body Limericks

Bold Body Limericks

Yes, Bold Body Limericks… and it isn’t bold bawdy limericks. Though some of them may strut around like the road-side romeos do outside any girls college! Just a few of them here in this post… enjoy.   (1) I have two and you have two Both can be fictional and also true No, not silicon...