Posts tagged "linkedin"

Recommendations written by me on Linkedin

Recommendations written by me for my friends, associates, business links, and co-workers on the social networking site Calm and firm, decisive yet democratic, Neelkamal seems to be just another intriguing personality in the beginning but slowly transforms into an enigma! I always found him up-to date with his defense as well as offense… and...

My three point STOP-route for a great professional as well as a personal life

Reply to a discussion query on linkedin: Query: As an over 40 career changer do you focus on money ($$$) issues or “do what you love (?)?” Read Article: My answer: Read your article… interesting ‘unconventional’ tips, where you fell that a career change is generally as straightforward as a choice between just a ‘focus...

Ravana on Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin

Metaphorically, there are already a large number of Ravanas on all the social networking sites today. However, I was wondering what will happen if The Ravana of the Dushera fame (for the younger generation who understand only through such puerile linkages) decided to open himself up to the hoi-polloi of the world through Facebook, Twitter,...