Posts tagged "micro-blogging"
Rules, formulas, and writing well

Rules, formulas, and writing well

Everyone dreams of writing well. No wonder then that we see so many books that call you through book store show windows, so many websites that beckon you demurely and sometimes in a crass and gross manner… there are e-mailers wanting you just click and become a writer and then even SMSes aren’t so far...
Who’s afraid of social media?

Who’s afraid of social media?

The other day when I met a friend from my school, all we discussed was how well we were connected and how fast we were able to reach out to our friends when needed. And I am talking of the seventies here. Surprised? Well, you should be, considering the way technology has redefined communication. With...

On Blogging & Micro-blogging

“Emergence of blogging and micro-blogging as a new-age tool for mass communication.” Investigating the ways in which the creation of news, marketing methodologies for organisations, and public relations have begun to get influenced by the emergence of online technologies like blogging and micro-blogging. MJMC thesis by Arvind Passey Dissertation Project 2009-10 Department of Journalism &...