Posts tagged "more indian than you think"
We accept that we are more Indian than you think

We accept that we are more Indian than you think

We live in a country that is around 3,214 kms from north to south and about 2,933 kms from east to west with a land frontier of about 15,200 kms. According to the 2011 census, we have 623.2 million males and 587.5 females and this massive population lives on a mere 2.4 percent of the...
More Indian Than You Think

More Indian Than You Think

I browse the net and see the world At home in bed as I lie curled I hug the world through my Facebook Through tweets I let them watch my nook Whatsapp to know what’s up and on I Instagram through night and morn I travel far before you blink Yet I’m more Indian than...
Open up… you’re in India

Open up… you’re in India

The strangest thing about being an Indian is that we believe quite a bit of all that dear Bollywood feeds us… or all that gets fixated in our minds because we have not yet seen the complete picture. The give-me-some-sugar-in-a-bowl myth Such neighbors are everywhere and there is absolutely no escape from them. There will...
The future is more Indian than you think

The future is more Indian than you think

Evolution and revolution are not related. Indians are as evolved as anyone else around the world and walk on their feet, talk in a language that a community understands, eat stuff that is popular all over, follow traditions, respect the notion of families living together, and generally do everything that anyone anywhere will also be...
A little more is a lot more

A little more is a lot more

  There are more than 3 crore Indians settled abroad but that isn’t more. It isn’t less as well but then only numbers are never more. This summer I was in London and stayed with my son and daughter-in-law… and the two months that we spent in London have made me revise the way I...