Posts tagged "nirvana"
What does the tourism ad for a beach say?

What does the tourism ad for a beach say?

  Even the shallows here Hide a depth That brings us near A blissful state Of happiness That some call Nirvava. A heaven where Dizzying heights Emerge from the Blissful shallows Sandy beaches… Caress & touch The healthy greens Of a shore That is pure! Every moment Smiles & offers To add to your Experiences...

There is a monkey in your mind!

We all need inner joy. Some of us believe that it comes through the practice of meditation. However, meditation always tends to remain a distant dream and remains an art that exists in books and on the small screen. Let me tell you that meditation is the simplest form of ‘unaction’ (it isn’t an activity...

Just look around. Everything teaches spirituality!

Let me first add a bit to the title you’ve just read. Everything and everyone teaches spirituality! Every moment has that power. Every object leads you to it. You simply have to ready yourself to accept it. One of my favorite quotes is by Confucius: “When the student is ready, the teacher shall appear.” Read...

Spirituality – deadly practical, divinely romantic!

DPDR is a rather apt explanation of spirituality, whichever way we look at any of its implications. Spirituality indeed is ‘deadly practical, divinely romantic’ with a seamless merger of these diverse concepts! We can also call it ‘dimaag se, dil se’… to reach out to a world that spells happiness the way we want it...