Posts tagged "politics"
The predators in Indian politics

The predators in Indian politics

Some believe that humans are the most dangerous predators… more dangerous than all the tigers, lions, leopards, cheetahs, and wolves. To take this analogy further, I’d say that the political eco-system has the potential to produce the most feared predators amongst us. Just look around and you’ll see the lion-like jauntiness, the stealth of a...
To write, or not to right

To write, or not to right

‘Does a name on a form over-shadow an appearance in the heart?’ he asked and then went on, ‘Both are shadows but one pulsates forever and the other smudges and fades away in a few years.’ The feminists argued that the name on a piece of paper pulsates with life and demands more than just...
Between credibility and chaos

Between credibility and chaos

All around today I see moments floating between credibility and chaos… and somewhere between credibility and chaos are the dangerous mutant strands of corruption. So whichever way one moves, the possibility of getting afflicted with corruption is rather high. From politicians to the bureaucrats, from the common man to connected man, and from one end...
Pepper spray and a dialogue with God

Pepper spray and a dialogue with God

Thich Nhat Hanh wrote: ‘In true dialogue, both sides are willing to change.’ This is true of men. This can be true for any human-human situation or conflict. Well, I’m not very sure if this is possible every time but we’ll examine it later. Let us examine other situations now before we go to a...
The ploy

The ploy

‘How can he reduce tariffs?’ said the opposition. The bureaucrats too muttered some such inanity that appeared to agree with the politicians. The people were confused. Debates happened on almost all TV channels, every nukkad, and every office lunch-break. Some called it foolhardy while others just said, ‘What’s the harm if we’re getting a benefit.’...


‘There is a spelling error there,’ some will point out hurriedly. So yes, this is a different spelling, buddy… and you’re not accustomed to seeing or using it. But the wonderful thing is that this spelling has a ‘key’ attached to it and you, I know, are someone who is surrounded by locked doors. ‘Locked...
AAP ko GAS toh nahin?

AAP ko GAS toh nahin?

‘The new CM in Delhi is making us all stand up and think upright,’ I said, when our discussion on the social fabric veered to the formation of the new government in Delhi. This always happens when Specky and I discuss things… we start with one topic and end up discussing something quite different. Specky...
I never talk to God

I never talk to God

Why must I look up and talk to him Or just look down when talking to him? I like to look straight and into eyes Differentiate between truth and lies And so I never talk to God Why must I imagine someone there When it is my friends who give me care And those around...
Size matters!

Size matters!

In both politics and pornography, size matters. We have just seen a pulsating example of this titillating fact when Delhi was saved from going to the polls again. But if you think size in politics is simply getting the right numbers, you’re really entering the house of real fiction. Yes, numbers and the mathematics of...
What are elections about?

What are elections about?

Are elections all about change? Do they reach out to the common man asking him to choose between a ‘thank you’ and a ‘good riddance’ on the lips or on placards? Or are they about sniggers and vacuous kerbside analysis by minds that have rarely gone beyond the self? Or going further, are they about...
Politics, confrontation, and the will to serve the nation

Politics, confrontation, and the will to serve the nation

The three don’t actually go together. Politicians never confront other politicians with full vigour and we all know it is more like a big show of confrontational drama like the one the forces of India and Pakistan enact at Wagah Border. And we also know how heartfelt the will to serve the nation is in...
Yaar, ab humko maaf karo!

Yaar, ab humko maaf karo!

Yes, ‘yaar, ab humko maaf karo is what the people of Delhi are going to tell the present government in just a few days from now. Read all about the opinions of Kanwar Pratap Singh (KPS), National Secretary and President Delhi Pradesh Nationalist Congress Party (NCP).   Q. What are your experiences with the social...