Posts tagged "pollution"
There is no poetry in smog

There is no poetry in smog

There is no poetry in smog Over and around us Bad air surrounds us We have constructed this demon On our own For our own And think we have won. Nothing is clear Except the fear That our misdeeds may never be undone. . . . . . . Arvind Passey 07 November 2017 PS:...
Policing the language of pollution

Policing the language of pollution

This is a language that doesn’t come in decibels but in microns and the experts call it PM or particulate matter. They are like aliens invading the planet and are certainly not interested in starting an amiable conversation with mankind… they are here to conquer and they have armies that we know as PM10 or...
The Da Vinci of Death

The Da Vinci of Death

There is variation, colour, and uniqueness in death that indoor pollution brings with it. Things that you have fallen in love with and think you cannot live without can sometimes enter your life to take it… and this isn’t a hyperbole. Look at perfumes, hair sprays, furniture polish, glues, air fresheners, moth repellents, wood preservatives...