Posts tagged "power"
Power is toxic to culture

Power is toxic to culture

Power and culture are in perennial conflict with each other. Countries experience this and so do homes. States and Union Territories in India know this. Politicians too understand the phenomenon and yet go on stoking power conflagrations. Corporates get into the heart of power contests more readily than adopting a culturally friendly attitude. Families are...
Racing with the dogs

Racing with the dogs

  Even dogs know What any scheme By any Government In power or out of power Really means. Even dogs know How to act And how to react. What dogs do not know Is that acting and reacting Is where humans have beaten them hollow One race that we have won… Or have we? ....
The time for freebies is over

The time for freebies is over

No subsidies and no free lunches Do not hurt anyone Freedom to pay comes with corruption in shackles Honest tackles, And something constructive done.
Of guided missiles and misguided men

Of guided missiles and misguided men

Politics, power, and public are three Ps that are always together… I was thinking initially of giving this post a simpler and more direct title: ‘The three Ps – Politics, Power, and Public’ but realized that there was less drama apparent than it actually had in it. The three Ps are like a primed grenade...
Breaking news: ManMohan Singh on powerlessness

Breaking news: ManMohan Singh on powerlessness

We get a horde of newspapers at home every morning… and I simply love the way they try to catch my attention with the loudest headlines. This morning was no different. Narang getting a bronze in the Olympics was definitely and comprehensively over-shadowed by those that went on and on and on about the massive...

Influence of experiments

“Experiments tend to get too powerfully influential on your life if allowed to exist without restraint.” Arvind Passey 14 December 2010

The power to change the world

Mother Teresa remarked: ‘Life is a promise; fulfill it.’ The way a better world emerges is one life at a time. Launch your intents with your own life, and let the goodness and kindness quickly spread outward from you. Imagine how the world would be if everyone became focused on the positive possibilities. By directing...

The Power of Dreams

Years ago, two normal guys got together in their garage and came up with an idea. They wanted to build the world’s first personal computer. All the “experts” told them that they couldn’t do it – and IBM was the “only game in town” – but they listened to their hearts and they launched –...