Posts tagged "PT Education"

Speech for Press Freedom Day

Press freedom is freedom of information. Lack of the right information is ignorance and does not have the power to take us forward on the evolutionary plane. We, from PT Education are today honoured to felicitate excellence in journalism and communication on Press Freedom Day. Nation building and social causes need fearless communication efforts and...

Do not fear failure!

CAT aspirants need to work hard and at the same time need to keep failure at an arm’s length. Fear of failure blocks the good effects of hard work. What is Fear?  It is a noun denoting a painful emotion or passion excited by the expectation of evil, or the apprehension of impending danger; apprehension;...

Personal branding for success!

“Don’t aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.” – David Frost. The above words imply one rather vital feature for personal success. It clearly points out that personal branding is getting to be important and that can be done best and most...

Write-up on QuizWiz

PT QuizWiz is a mega-quizzing event with an objective of ensuring the presence and deep penetration of the brand PT in the campuses for years to come through the concept of a revolving trophy. To have a fair idea of this simply astounding event that PT hosts, lets review it as the event unfolded in...

Write-up on PT Anniversary

The 10th of July is celebrated as the PT founding day. Anniversary celebrations are conducted at every centre across India. This once-in-a-year mega event is organised every year to celebrate the movement called PT. All the prominent educationists, principals, TPOs and other members of PT celebrate this mega event with pride and enthusiasm. Cultural activities...

Press Freedom Day – write-up

PT Education will be celebrating the ‘Press Freedom Day’ on the 3rd of May this year. Throughout the world, May the Third serves as an occasion to inform the public of violations of the right to freedom of expression and as a reminder that many journalists brave death or jail to bring people their daily...

World Environment Day – write-up

To ‘stimulate worldwide awareness of the environment and enhance political attention and action’ is the aim for the World Environment Day, commemorated each year on 5 June. The slogan for 2007 is ‘Melting Ice – a Hot Topic’. The topic focuses on the effects that climate change is having on polar ecosystems and communities, and...

Write-up on SHB (Saathi Haath Badhana)

Title 1: Lesson in moral and mental excellence Title 2: Circulating the message of hope to all Give. Share. Offer. Donate. Contribute. They are all words until someone gets up and does something about it! Among the things that we can and must share with all is knowledge. The other vital element that we can...

Text for the PT Corporate Film/ CD

The points sent for the intro: PT Education believes that it is focused learning that builds a Nation’s future! The phenomenon of students’ success began with 40 students from a 200 sqft family garage in 1993 in Indore. A students’ vision – our mission. At PT we simplify success, make every student an achiever, and...

Storm the MBA entrance through intuition!

Can B-schools include a module on “How to be a trailblazer”? Can inspiration be deconstructed, set to an algorithm and thus made repeatable? Is there a management term for ‘sixth sense’? All my mêlée here in this article is in essence a return to an age old debate on the innate variance of management education....

CAT-A-LOGUE 2007 – write-up.

A dialogue is the beginning point of all successes! That is the reason for the mammoth popularity of CAT-A-LOGUE. This mega event that is conducted at all the centres of PT is distinctive in its flavour and success. With a totally-engrossed, involved, focussed, and clearly upbeat student audience, this event surely is a feather in...

Anything is possible!

Do I hear you say, “It is easy said then done?” If that is the case then let us share with you a small but important story by Lisa N. Redavid. Read the story and let the elements in it slowly pervade your senses. That in itself will make you think of the possibilities that...