Posts tagged "ram"
Photo-story on the making of Ravana

Photo-story on the making of Ravana

Evil isn’t born in a day. Evil also isn’t born in solitude. The evil that I am talking about is the maha-demon called Ravana. This maha-demon was the one that was killed by Lord Ram… but then that is a past story. That Ravana exists now as effigies that are prepared every year to be...
An intimate peep into Ravana

An intimate peep into Ravana

Is violence always political? No, such questions aren’t just asked by the Oxford University admissions team while interviewing students for admission… such queries have been doing the rounds for ages. The violence of a war is generally backed by political intent, or shall we say, political discontent! And you see this all around you. Disrupted...

Ravana on Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin

Metaphorically, there are already a large number of Ravanas on all the social networking sites today. However, I was wondering what will happen if The Ravana of the Dushera fame (for the younger generation who understand only through such puerile linkages) decided to open himself up to the hoi-polloi of the world through Facebook, Twitter,...