Posts tagged "religion"
Interviewing a bulldozer

Interviewing a bulldozer

If you think it was easy to fix an interview with a bulldozer, think umpteen times. These massive machines have no time these days as a zillion sarkari farmaans (government notices) make a beeline to them even before they are fully awake. No coffee or fresh lime in tepid water for them. They must rush...

Spirituality is all glitz, glam, and grandeur!

Why is it that the moment one uses the word ‘spiritual’, the mind takes off to the whites and off-whites in colours or makes a direct swing to the ‘bhagwa-vastraas’ of sadhwis and sadhus? Aren’t we being unfair to spirituality? Spirituality doesn’t say ‘hasta la vista’ to life and living… lets leave the phrase to...

Words create a spiritual high!

Some time back while reading a poem by Askok Vajpeyi, the realization came that the world rests on words and that it is words that create a world! It is through words that we achieve our spiritual high! Words have the power to reach within and also make you reach out for the sublime. It...

The power to change the world

Mother Teresa remarked: ‘Life is a promise; fulfill it.’ The way a better world emerges is one life at a time. Launch your intents with your own life, and let the goodness and kindness quickly spread outward from you. Imagine how the world would be if everyone became focused on the positive possibilities. By directing...

Religion is what you do when the sermon is over

Spirituality is a matter of perception. It could be perceived as anything from singing bhajans to working for the betterment of mankind, from organizing mass prayers to being curious about every undiscovered ripple or pebble. We can define it as simple religiosity and also as a knowledge-quotient that takes a human to a level above...