Posts tagged "role-model"


Fathers, mothers and grandparents generally qualify as the most popular role-models. Husbands and wives too can be sitting in this chair for each other but after all, they are never doing anything without each other’s nudges, are they? So because everything done by spouses has a sort of equal participation, there never is that special...
The reluctant role-model: Video Blog

The reluctant role-model: Video Blog

I’m no role model It isn’t easy to write on a person who you are living with… or call him or her your role-model. This is because you are then stepping on the intimacy patterns of that relationship. But I finally did decide to communicate through a short video. The text that you see below,...
It’s time to talk of a speck of time

It’s time to talk of a speck of time

I’ve always thought of time as something that pulsates with life… an entity that you can, if you really wish to, touch, poke, and tickle… the funny thing is that time camouflages itself as a left-brained creature every time I dive into the abstraction surrounding reality. This happened again a few nights back when I...